· 16 fireworksblast_far1 17 fireworksblast1 18 fireworkslargeBlast_far1 19 fireworkslargeBlast1 fireworkslaunch1 21 fireworkstwinkle_far1 · /playsound has a volume and a minimumVolume optional argument /playsound x y z volume pitch minimumVolume If you set the minimumVolume to something other than 0, players will be able to hear it at that volume outside of the sound's normal audible range For example /playsound records11 @a 0 0 0 1 1 1 · The playSound method will only play the sounds in an area for that player at the time it was used, but because you use a volume of 500 it covers a very very large area so the player will keep hearing the sound unless they move far away or change dimension Note that the volume value is normally between min 00 and max 10, and any value over 10 just increases the distance the
How To Disable Sound For All Notifications On Windows 10 November 19 Update Windows Central